It with wonder that I read reports of a new discovery of two tiny Chameleons off the coast of the island of Madagascar, each of them is less than an inch long. There the things are, having been on earth since time immemorial; and we have only found them now. All this time, throughout the history of the world there they were getting smaller as a result of what is called island dwarfism (a species survival strategy in response to the limited food and space available) WW1 WW2 came and went hotle Michael Jackson and the fall of Apartheid bother them not a bit.
I have wonder for the discovery - (How DID they discover something so small?) wonder for a Creator that has the imagination and planning to make a niche for little things like these. There they are, perfect and tiny, infinitely threatened by pressures of commercial farming and overpopulation.
I despair because they are a poster-reminder of the potential for incredible loss to our world every time we read of greed trumping reason and threatening the preservation of what we have left.